
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Do you love Jesus?

I thought I knew the Bible. I was raised by a preacher and in 'Sunday School' all of my childhood ... I later taught Sunday School myself to young and old alike, I led Children's church... I had read the Bible through many times. I had prayed the 'sinners prayer' ... but none of that saved me from myself.

I backslid and turned away from what I knew was right. I lived a double life for many years. No one in the Church mentioned anything to me about it. Perhaps I hid it well...Perhaps they didn't know. I stopped regularly attending 'services' (and I preferred to hide in the back row) I was glad they didn't say anything ... I was happy to live without their prying eyes or 'judgement' ... or so I thought. I was actually pretty miserable. The Devil will convince you of the lie if you live it long enough. Living a double life is lonely. You can't be happy in either world.

But one question changed me... it was: "Do you love Jesus?" I could explain most anything 'about' Jesus, Christian doctrine, and the Bible ... but that was one question I was not prepared to answer. The conviction cut me to the core.. I knew I had fallen away. I knew I wasn't living for Jesus. I knew I wasn't acting like someone who loved Jesus.. but, the ONLY answer that was acceptable to that question was YES. I answered YES ... and promptly began to cry. I was broken.

At that moment my life began to change. I stopped looking at what I would do with MY life .. and MY own plans and began to hear the voice of the Lord again in my life. I put away things in my life that were silencing the voice of God. My habits and daily routines changed. I wasn't as interested in leisure, pleasure and comfort ... but more interested in cultivating the relationship with Jesus that I had long neglected. The more I sought Him, the more I found Him. This wasn't just me working harder at being a good person... I was really changed. The focus began to shift to Jesus, walking after the Holy Spirit and discovering what I needed to do in the Kingdom to deliver others. Jesus is now my savior AND my Lord.

I want to ask YOU a question... "Do YOU love Jesus?"

If the answer is No, please consider loving Him. It will transform your life.

If the answer is YES, then Tell YOUR Story.

Ask those you encounter: ... "Do YOU love Jesus?" It will change their life.

Be Blessed...




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